Qatar National Vision 2030
Qatar National Vision 2030 is a development plan that was launched in 2008, and it has been an effective miracle to encourage sustainable development in Qatar.
The National Vision aims for Qatar to become - by 2030 - an advanced state capable of achieving sustainable development and ensuring the provision of a decent life for its people, generation after generation. The National Vision of the State of Qatar defines the goals that the state seeks to achieve in the long term, and it also provides a general framework for the development of the comprehensive national strategy and its implementation plans.
Guiding Principles of the National Vision
Qatar National Vision is based on a society that promotes justice, benevolence, and equality for all, regardless of their faith or the sect to which they belong. Qatar National Vision 2030 also embodies the principles of the Permanent Constitution, which:
Protect public and personal freedoms
Promote moral and religious values
Ensure security, stability and equal opportunities
The National Vision addresses five challenges facing the State of Qatar, namely:
Modernization and preservation of traditions
‘Modernization and preservation of traditions’ is the first and the most important amongst the challenges that the society faces as it cannot be denied that modern working and competitive life sometimes collides with traditions, professional and personal life. In addition, the broad choices, accompanied by economic and social progress, with broader freedoms, constitute a challenge to the traditional and authentic values entrenched in the society. The goal combines modern life, values and culture. Qatar National Vision 2030 responds to this challenge by building a bridge between the old and the new.
The needs of current and future generations
The State of Qatar desires to meet the needs of the present generation without any concessions on future generations. The aim is hence to maintain balance and sustainability with intergenerational justice.
Targeted growth and uncontrolled expansion
Qatar is growing rapidly and aiming to develop a concrete foundation for further progress. This expansion may drain resources and strain the economy, which will create imbalances that might lead to further financial fragility, disruption of public services, environmental damage, and widening social tensions. To avoid this, Qatar must develop at a pace consistent with realistic aspirations. Moreover, it should aim for growth rates that are in line with the economy's capacity for real expansion.
The course of development and the size and quality of the targeted migrant workforce
The other challenge is migrant workers. The migrant workforce is determined by the leadership and people of Qatar. The high population rates are a result of urban development and higher investment projects. A steady increase in government spending has led to a significant increase in the proportion of ill-educated and unskilled migrant workers. Since demographics determine the nature of the society, Qatar must determine the size and quality of migrant labor to keep its national identity intact.
Economic and social development and environmental protection and development.
Economic development and environmental protection are two of the most important demands that cannot be sacrificed to one for the other. Because the patterns of development in the state have varying negative effects on the environment, the latter can be preserved by investing in advanced technology aimed at reducing the damages left by various economic projects. Avoiding rapid and unplanned growth when it comes to preserving the environment, Qatar has already committed itself to applying international standards for environmental protection when designing and implementing projects.
Pillars of the National Vision:
Human development
Development of all Qatari people to enable them to build a prosperous society.
Human development is based on the development of individuals together to maintain the development of society. Qatar seeks to achieve the goal of building a modern educational system on a global level, providing optimal education for outstanding students, and excellent training and opportunities for citizens and developing them to their full potential to face the dramatically changing world that needs higher technical requirements. It also aims at developing capabilities based on the interest of students, and therefore it encourages only analytical and critical thinking, creativity, innovation and capacity development. Ultimately, this enhances social cohesion and respect for the values of Qatari society.
Social Development
Developing a just and safe society based on good morals and social care, and capable of dealing and interacting with other societies.
Social development refers to the development of a society that serves justice for all and that is based on high moral values, and has more social capabilities to engage with the various authorities that are an integral part of global partnership. The State of Qatar is working to build a safe and stable society based on the principles of justice and equality and promoting tolerance and sympathy for other cultures in the context of its Arab and Islamic identity. In the ever-evolving Qatari society, women are given a prominent position in all walks of life along with participation in the economic and political field.
Economic Development
Developing a competitive and diversified economy capable of meeting the needs of the citizens, and securing a high standard of living at present and in the future.
Economic development refers to the development of a prosperous society with sufficient capabilities to meet the needs of its people. Wise management of exhaustible resources is also required to ensure that future generations inherit enough to meet their needs with optimal use that creates a balance between products and reserves and between diversifying economic activities and reducing resources. Qatar has abundant hydrocarbon resources that can eventually be used optimally to ensure sustainable development for future generations.
Environmental Development
Managing the environment in a way that ensures harmony and consistency between economic and social development and environmental protection.
The management of harmony within society maintains a balance between the social, economic and environmental aspects. Environmental development seeks to provide a suitable environment for the growing community. The combination of the three pillars provides the ideal environment in which children are safe and given optimal learning opportunities. Women are safe and free to choose what they want. Women also have an equal say in political and economic development.