Secretary General
His Excellency Dr. Ahmad Hassen Al-Hammadi
Academic Qualifications
- Bachelor of Law Al Azhar University, Cairo, 1981.
- Diploma in Forensic Law Ain Shams University, Cairo, 1985.
- Master of Law (Ranking: Excellent) Cairo University, 1990.
- PHD in Civil and Criminal Law , 1999.
Work Experience
- Appointed Assistant Judge in Qatar Courts of Justice in 1981.
- Appointed Judge of Minor Criminal Courts (Minor Civil Courts), 1984.
- Appointed Judge of Major Civil Courts, 1988.
- Appointed Judge of the Court of Appeals, 1990.
- Deputy Chief Magistrate of the Court of Appeals, 1995.
- Deputy Lecturer of Civil Law in Qatar University since 1999-2004.
- Served as General-Secretary for the Committee of Drafting the Permanent Constitution from October 1999 to January, 2003.
- Transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on January, 2003.
- Appointed ambassador at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and director of Legal Affairs Department on 19th February 2003.
- Appointed Secretary General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 30th June 2016.
Courses and External Participations:
Participated in several local and overseas legal conferences.
Participations in Permanent Committees:
- Qatar - Bahrain Causeway Foundation - Chairman.
- Maritime Law Permanent Committee - Chairman.
- Qatar National Committee for the Prohibition of Weapons - Member representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- National Civil Aviation Security Committee - Member representing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Qatar delegation to the International Atomic Energy Agency - Chairman.
- Arab League Senior Officials Committee to prepare for Arab participation in the Conference on Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone in the Middle East Member.
Temporary committees he chairs:
- The committee to study the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.
- The committee to study the provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and propose the ways of implementing the state's commitments towards the convention.
- The committee to study the Second Additional Protocol to the Geneva Conferences 1949 on Armed Conflicts.
- The committee to study the International Conventions for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings for 1997 and the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism 1999.
- The committee to study the issue of human cloning.
- The committee to study a draft agreement between the State of Qatar and UN Human Rights High Commission on Qatar's hosting of the UN Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South West Asia and the Arab Region.
- The committee to study accession to the 1974 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the UN Specialized Agencies.
- The committee to study the draft convention on anti-racial discrimination of the Organization of Islamic Conference.
- The committee to study accession to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain.
- Member of Qatar's negotiation team to sign an agreement with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) on Regional Conferences in Support of Global Literacy.
Legal Writings:
- Right and transference of right to compensation (within comparative jurisprudence, law and judiciary).
- Acquittal and its effect on the principle of compensation.
- The principles of law in light of the Qatari legislations.
- Causality between fault and damage (under publication).