Department of Legal Affairs

Director of Legal Affairs Department

His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Soud Al-Thani

Curriculum Vitae


The Department of Legal Affairs is competent with the following:
  • Provide legal opinion on matters and issues referred to it.
  • Prepare and formulate the Ministry’s legal instruments drafts, and give opinions on legal instruments drafts referred to the Ministry.
  • Study the drafts of international treaties and conventions to which the State intends to be a party and provide legal opinion on signing the same or accession to them, in coordination with the concerned administrative units and competent authorities.
  • Provide opinion on international treaties and conventions in terms of their renewal, extension, termination or modifications in coordination with the concerned administrative units and competent authorities.
  • Be in charge of and follow up on issues related to International and regional courts, follow up on the works of ad-hoc legal committees and the decisions issued by the same on international and regional matters and scrutinize their consistency with the State’s laws and higher interests.
  • Take the necessary measures on concluding international treaties and agreements to which the State is a party, as well as the ratification, publication, registration and depositing of the same with the relevant international and regional organizations, in coordination with the relevant administrative units and competent authorities. 
  • Prepare and maintain files related to International Treaties and Agreements to which the State is a party, in coordination with the competent authorities. 
  •  Study issues and topics of a legal nature related to the State’s higher interests aboard and its representative missions and make guidelines to be followed for their protection, in coordination with the State’s competent authorities.
  • Prepare, review and formulate draft contracts concluded by the Ministry and its representative missions refer them to the competent authorities for review, and follow up on any emerging problems that impede their implementation.
  • Investigate the facts and irregularities attributed to the employees of the Ministry referred to it by the applicable legislative instruments, prepare the necessary notes on investigation results along with the legal opinion, and follow up on the implementation of decisions taken thereon.
  • Address legal aspects related to all international Treaties, Conventions, Memoranda of Understanding, Protocols and International Regulations that bind, or may obligate, the State with the outside world, and Ensure that the procedures for approval, ratification, acceptance, accession and publication of the same are met.
  • Examine diplomatic and consular disputes and all aspects associated with the Ministry's external works.
  • Prepare draft Agreements to be concluded with the Arab and foreign states, in coordination with the competent administrative authorities.
  • 14-Keep copies of all treaties and the diplomatic documents related to them, as well as instruments of ratification, approval or accession relating to all international treaties to which the State is a party.
  • Follow-up on disputes and cases to which the Ministry is a party, in coordination with the competent authorities.


Contact Information:

Tel: 40113200

Fax: 40113203

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