Department of International Organizations


Director of International Organizations Department 

HE Sheikha Hanouf Abdulrahman N. J. Al-Thani

Curriculum Vitae


The Department of International Organizations is competent with the following:

Seek to develop the State’s relations with the United Nations, its specialized agencies and other international organizations in light of the State’s high objectives and interests, in coordination and consultation with the competent authorities.

Follow-up the activities of the United Nations Organization, its specialized agencies as well as the international conferences and meetings by participating thereunto or following up on the proceedings of their work and providing the permanent or participating delegations with the instructions issued by the State, as the State’s interests may require.

Follow up and direct the activities of the State’s permanent delegations, study the reports they submit on their work and take the necessary measures in this regard.

Coordinate and cooperate with the State’s ministries and competent agencies on participation in international organizations, conferences and meetings

Study and analyze resolutions or recommendations issued by the United Nations and international organizations and conferences that have already been approved and adopted by the State, and prepare the necessary reports on the implementation of such resolutions or recommendations in cooperation with the competent authorities in the State.

Provide administrative and logistical support and supervision to the headquarters of the United Nations House in Doha, in coordination with the State's relevant authorities.

Propose nominations for membership of international organizations, host and follow up their headquarters, in coordination with the competent authorities.

Follow-up on the nominations of States and individuals for international positions, in coordination with the competent authorities of the State

Make the necessary suggestions and recommendations on the use of the programs and activities of Arab, regional and international organizations and bodies.


Contact Information

  • Tel: 40112400
  • Fax: 44424479
  • Email Adress: