Department of Information Technology


Director of Information Technology

HE Ambassador Abdulaziz Mohammed Jabor Al-Naemi

Curriculum Vitae


The Department of Information Systems is competent with the following:
  • Provide and develop political, economic, cultural, technical, and other data and information, thus providing an integrated base of information for the administrative units in the Ministry and the representative missions.
  • Study, design, implement and maintain automated information systems to help develop the work of the Ministry, and provide technical proposals in this regard.
  • Perform automated processing of the Ministry's data and information, supervise its entry and retrieval, and issue the necessary information and reports.
  • Provide the necessary electronic devices, programs, and networks for the automated work systems in the Ministry, and maintain them, in coordination with the competent administrative units.
  • Secure systems, software, networks, and the infrastructure of information systems from electronic accident risk and develop systems and procedures to ensure the confidentiality of information systems.
  • Prepare plans to recover from the effects of electronic accidents if they occur, reduce their occurrence, or escalate them, by the policies and guidelines of information security, and coordination with the competent authority.
  • Link the electronic systems used in the Ministry with the representative missions.
  • Provide the necessary technical support to users of electronic networks in the Ministry and representative missions, and train them on the use of systems, programs, computers, and their accessories.
  • Specify the needs of automated systems and the specifications of the required devices and equipment.
  • Program, save, retrieve, and modify information and data systems necessary for the activities of the Ministry.
  • Design, operate and manage different types of data and information bases.
  • Propose training programs in the field of information technology.
  • Establish, follow up and update the Ministry's website on the internet.


Contact Information

  • Tel: 40111700
  • Fax: 44353592
  • Email Address: