Department of Human Resources


Director of Human Resources Department

H.E. Abdulaziz Abdulqadir Al-Ahmed

Curriculum Vitae


The Department of Human Resources is competent with the following:

  • Implement the laws, regulations and systems related to staff affairs.
  • Prepare studies on human resources planning in the Ministry, and determine the Ministry's jobs and staffing requirements, in light of the approved employment quota, in coordination with the competent authority and various administrative units.
  • Plan and identify the needs of the representative missions in terms of jobs and human resources, locally or from outside the headquarters countries, in coordination with the representative missions.
  • Prepare job description, classification, and ranking draft and follow up on its implementation and development.
  • Prepare the draft of the section one budget, in coordination with the relevant administrative units and representative missions.
  • Carry out the procedures of appointment, transfer, assignment, secondment, and termination of service.
  • Take the necessary procedures to allocate government housing and pay the furniture allowance to the Ministry's employees, in coordination with the competent authorities.
  • Prepare a service file for each employee containing all the grounds and documents of appointment, and all the decisions issued in his/her regard from the start until the end of service and keep an electronic copy of the file.
  • Prepare and issue staff cards for all Ministry employees, and for local employees in representative missions.
  • Enter data related to the disbursement of monthly salaries and financial entitlements of Ministry employees and local employees in representative missions, in coordination with the relevant authorities.
  • Examine and execute staff member's leave entitlements by the law.
  • Identify training requirements for the Ministry's staff and representative missions, provide training opportunities, follow up on their execution, and assess their utilization.
  • Coordinate with the Diplomatic Institute, the competent authority, educational institutions and institutes, and all specialized bodies at the State and abroad regarding the training and teaching of foreign languages to the employees of the Ministry and representative missions.
  • Follow up on the status of students and emitters from employees of the Ministry and representative missions to universities and training institutions in the State and abroad, in coordination with the administrative units and the competent authorities, study their conditions, and prepare reports on their performance therein.
  • Propose appropriate policies, procedures, and systems to manage the performance of human resources in the Ministry, in coordination with the relevant administrative units.
  • Implement and follow up the performance appraisal procedures.
  • Prepare studies related to the organizational and functional structure of the Ministry and representative missions and submit the necessary proposals to develop the administrative organization therein.
  • Develop and update the special databases for the Ministry's staff and local staff in representative missions.