Department of Asian Affairs

Director of Asian Affairs Department

HE Ambassador Yousef bin Sultan Yousef Laram
Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information

The Department of Asian Affairs is competent with the following:
  • Seek to promote and develop bilateral relations between the State and Asian countries in political, economic, cultural, and technical areas and others, and follow up on the developments taking place in these countries.
  • Study and analyze reports and research referred from the diplomatic missions in Asian countries and take the necessary measures on the same.
  • Study and follow up referred issues, topics and research relating to the situations, developments and relations between the State and Asian countries.
  • Follow up and direct the activities of diplomatic missions in Asian countries.
  •  Coordinate, follow up and develop relations with accredited diplomatic missions of Asian countries in the State.
  • Follow up on what is published in the newspapers in Asian countries newspapers, which concerns the State, analyze it, and provide opinion on necessary measures or recommendations to be taken in this regard, in coordination with the Department of Media and Communication of the Ministry.
  • Follow up the bulletins and other publications issued by the accredited diplomatic missions of the Asian countries in the State, and provide opinions or comments that may be required in this respect, in cooperation with the Department of Media and Communication of the Ministry.
  • Coordinate with Asian regional organizations and concerned institutions in the State, and provide opinions on all referred topics related to cooperation with these organizations, in coordination with the Department of International Organizations at the Ministry.
  • Prepare the works of the joint committees with Asian countries participating in such committees, and follow up on the implementation of the decisions issued therefrom.
  • Coordinate with the Department of Legal Affairs on the preparation of draft agreements to be concluded with Asian countries.
  • Prepare necessary reports on the State's relations with Asian countries and update information stated in these reports.
  • Prepare, follow up and coordinate the visits of the State’s high official delegations to Asian countries, as well as the required reports in this regard.
  • Prepare, follow up and coordinate for the visits of Asian countries’ high official delegations to the State, as well as the required reports in this regard.
  • Prepare periodical reports on the activities of the diplomatic missions in Asian countries.