The State of Qatar Welcomes International Court of Justice’s Advisory Opinion on Israel's Policies and Practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and East Jerusalem

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Doha - July 20, 2024

The State of Qatar welcomes the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, stressing that Israel is under an obligation to end its illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and East Jerusalem.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs notes that the Court's opinion includes the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza, as the Court considered that they constitute "a single territorial unit, whose unity, contiguity, integrity and respect must be preserved". The Court affirms that Israel is under an obligation to end its illegal presence on Palestinian land as soon as possible, as well as to cease all new settlements, evacuate all settlers from the Occupied Palestinian Territory and compensate all those affected by such illegal practices.

The Ministry reiterates the State of Qatar’s support for the position of the court and its call to all states and international organizations not to recognize or support illegal Israeli practices.

The Ministry notes that the International Court of Justice’s advisory opinion reflects the high provisions of international law that must be respected. It also calls on all countries to work towards the immediate and unconditional implementation of the Court's opinion.

The Ministry reiterates Qatar's firm position on the Justice of the Palestinian cause and the moral imperative to support the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people. It also stresses the need to work together to end the Israeli apartheid occupation, recognize the State of Palestine within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and to fully achieve the right of return of Palestinian refugees.