Qatar Welcomes United Nations' Announcement of a Two-Month Truce in Yemen

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Doha - Information Office - April 02

The State of Qatar welcomes the announcement by the United Nations that the parties to the conflict in Yemen agreed to a two-month armistice, starting today, and renewable with the consent of the parties.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses Qatar's aspiration that the step would pave the way for a comprehensive and lasting ceasefire in Yemen, and the involvement of all actors in the Yemeni scene, with the support of the international community, in the comprehensive political track and national reconciliation, in order to achieve the aspirations of the brotherly Yemeni people for security, stability and prosperity.

The ministry reiterates Qatar's position calling for a solution to the Yemeni crisis based on the Gulf initiative and relevant Security Council resolutions, especially Resolution No. 2216.