Qatar condemns in the strongest terms the Israeli Finance Minister’s call to erase a Palestinian town

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Doha - Media & Communication Dept. - March 3

The State of Qatar condemns, in the strongest terms, the call of the Israeli Minister of Finance to erase the Palestinian town of Hawara, and considers it a serious incitement to commit a war crime.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirms that this hateful and provocative call represents an extension of the policy of escalation adopted by the Israeli government in the occupied Palestinian territories. In this context, the Ministry holds the Israeli occupation authorities solely responsible for the cycle of violence that will result from this systematic policy against the Palestinian people, their lands, and their Islamic and Christian sanctities.

The Ministry stresses the need for the international community to act urgently to protect the Palestinian civilian population, including expanding and activating existing protection mechanisms to prevent and deter violations. 

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reaffirms Qatar’s firm position on the justice of the Palestinian cause, the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, and the establishment of their independent state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.