Qatar Condemns in the Strongest Terms the Announcement of the Israeli Occupation’s Confiscation of Land in Jordan Valley in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

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Doha - Media & Communication Dept. - March 27, 2024

The State of Qatar condemns in the strongest terms the Israeli occupation's announcement of the confiscation of land in Jordan Valley in the Occupied Palestinian territories, and considers it an extension of its systematic policy aimed at expanding settlements, forcibly displacing the Palestinian people, and depriving them of their rights without scruples.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stresses Qatar's complete rejection of the violation of the rights of the brotherly Palestinian people. It also warns in this context that the continuation of the Israeli occupation’s disrespect for international laws, especially international law and international humanitarian law, and imposing the logic of force and fait accompli will completely destroy the chances of the desired peace, especially with the continuation of the brutal war on Gaza Strip.

The Ministry calls on the international community to shoulder its legal and moral responsibilities to provide protection to the Palestinian people, especially since expanding settlements means the displacement of the population, which amounts to a war crime under international law.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates Qatar's firm and permanent position in supporting the Palestinian cause and the steadfastness of the brotherly Palestinian people, based on the resolutions of international legitimacy and the two-state solution, including the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.