Qatar condemns in the Strongest Terms a New Massacre in Gaza and Demands Urgent International Action to End the Aggression against Gaza Strip Immediately

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Doha, Media & Communication Dept., 29 February 2024

Qatar condemns in the strongest terms the heinous massacre committed by the Israeli occupation against defenceless civilians who were waiting for humanitarian aid to arrive in Gaza, resulting in the death and injury of dozens of people.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stresses that the continuation of the occupation’s brutal crimes as part of its brutal war on Gaza Strip, proves day after day the pressing need for urgent international action to immediately end this unprecedented aggression in recent history. This should be in preparation for addressing the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Strip, threatening of a real famine in northern Gaza as a result of the siege, bombing, and failure.

The Ministry stresses the need for the international community to shoulder its moral and legal responsibilities to oblige the Israeli occupation to comply with international law and international humanitarian law and to provide protection to the brotherly Palestinian people from the systematic Israeli policies of killing, besieging, starving and forcibly displacing them.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns that the Israeli occupation's disregard for Palestinian lives, its repeated attempts to impose a fait accompli policy and strip Palestinian rights guaranteed by international law, will ultimately undermine international efforts aimed at implementing the two-state solution, and thus pave the way for the expansion of the cycle of violence in the region and threaten international peace and security.

The Ministry also reiterates Qatar's firm position regarding the Justice of the Palestinian cause and the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, including the establishment of their independent state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.