Qatar Condemns in Strongest Terms Storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque by Two Israeli Ministers, Knesset Members, Hundreds of Settlers

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Doha, August 13 

The State of Qatar condemns in the strongest terms the storming of the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque by two ministers in the Israeli occupation government, members of the Knesset and hundreds of settlers and the imposition of restrictions on the entry of worshipers, and termed them as provocative acts and a flagrant violation of international law and the Hashemite custodianship of the holy sites in occupied Jerusalem.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stresses that the repeated attempts to undermine the religious and historical status of Al-Aqsa Mosque are not only an attack on the Palestinians but on millions of Muslims around the world.

The Ministry warns of the impact of these violations on the ongoing efforts to reach a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip, and urged the international community to take urgent action to stop these attacks.

The Ministry reiterates  the State of Qatar's firm position on the justice of the Palestinian cause and the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people, including the full right to practice their religious rituals without restrictions, and to establish their independent state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.