Qatar Affirms Continued Commitment to Countering Terrorism Through Regional, Multilateral Cooperation

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Geneva | March 11, 2025

The State of Qatar affirmed its continued commitment to taking the necessary measures to curb and combat terrorism through bilateral, regional, and multilateral cooperation and supporting many counter-terrorism initiatives and centers, particularly hosting the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT)'s International Hub on Behavioral Insights to Counter-Terrorism (BI Hub) and UNOCT's Program Office on Parliamentary Engagement in Preventing and Countering Terrorism.

This came in a statement delivered by Third Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' International Organizations Department, Hamad Nasser Hamad Al Suwaidi, during his participation in an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism, within the framework of the 58th session of the Human Rights Council, held in Geneva.

Al Suwaidi emphasized the important role played by regional organizations and civil society in supporting government efforts to address the root causes of terrorism and violent extremism, and ensuring that policies and measures taken to combat them are consistent with international standards and laws and align with the four pillars of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

He added that the phenomenon of terrorism is a major threat to international peace and security to human rights and to the realization of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. He noted that human rights violations and the lack of development contribute to creating an environment conducive to the spread of terrorism.

Al Suwaidi affirmed the importance of committing to the full implementation of the Pact for the Future, particularly Action 23 on striving for a future free of terrorism through the adoption of a comprehensive approach and preventive strategies, and enhancing coordination and efforts at the level of the United Nations and relevant regional and subregional organizations to prevent and combat terrorism in accordance with international law.