Qatar Affirms Keenness to Be True Partner in Development in Sudan

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Geneva– Information Office – 27 September

The State of Qatar has affirmed its keenness to be a true partner in the development process in Sudan, especially after its efforts culminated in the signing of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur in 2011.

Addressing the "Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on Sudan" in the course of the 36th session of Human Rights Council, HE Qatar's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva Ambassador Ali Khalfan Al Mansouri said that Qatar Fund for Development signed last month an agreement with the Sudanese government for the construction of ten villages in Darfur's five states, in the framework of Qatar's Development Initiative in Darfur which aims to implement integrated projects in villages and areas of voluntary return. These projects are a continuation of the first phase which included the construction of five model service complexes.

HE the Ambassador expressed the hope that the "Interactive Dialogue with the Independent Expert on Sudan" would contribute to the further promotion and protection of human rights in the Sudan.

He praised the Sudanese government's great cooperation with the mechanisms of the Human Rights Council, and hoped that this positive cooperation will be reflected in adopting a more objective and effective approach to support the efforts of the Sudanese government to fulfill its human rights obligations, so as to enable the termination of the special procedure mandate on Sudan as soon as possible.

HE Al Mansouri noted that the main support which should be provided to the Sudanese government to improve the human rights situation at the present time was to support its efforts to achieve peace, stability and development.