Official Spokesperson for Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Qatar will Continue Efforts for De-escalation in Gaza

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Doha - Media & Communication Dept. - October 25

Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Majed bin Mohammed Al Ansari, asserted that the State of Qatar is continuing its efforts for de-escalation in Gaza Strip, opening humanitarian corridors to get assistance into the strip and release the hostage as soon as possible.

During the weekly media brief, Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs discussed the ministry's efforts, movements, communications, affirming that the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been receiving a host of politicians and diplomats, and making external engagement, particularly with matters related to the diplomatic movement on the situation developments in the region.

In this framework, Dr. Al Ansari noted the meeting held on Wednesday between HE Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani, and HE Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkiye, Hakan Fidan, during which they discussed developments of the situation in Gaza Strip, coordinating the positions of de-escalation and getting humanitarian assistance into the strip.

He pointed out that there is a consistency in the Qatari and Turkish positions regarding the rejection of double standards in handling Gaza file, in addition to the concurrence in the importance of regional and international action and solidarity within the framework of de-escalation and ensure that the war is stopped, and civilian lives are protected.

All these communications and movements come within the State of Qatars endeavors to release the hostages in Gaza Strip in order for them to arrive safely to their families, within Qatar's efforts to de-escalate the current situation facing the defenseless Palestinian people and discuss venues to get humanitarian assistance into the strip as soon as possible, Dr. Al Ansari emphasized.

Within the context of the Qatari humanitarian efforts, Dr. Al Ansari pointed out that two planes carrying 87 tons of food and medical items provided by Qatar Fund For Development (QFFD) arrived in Arish city of Egypt last Sunday, followed by a third plane for the same purpose.

He stated that the amount of Qatari assistance has hitherto reached 124 tons delivered via three planes, asserting that the assistance come within the framework of the State of Qatar's support for the brotherly Palestinian people to support them in this challenging humanitarian situation.

In his response to a question pertaining to the efforts made to release the hostages, he outlined that the situation is extremely complex on the ground and details cannot be revealed, adding that the situation is extremely complex.

The efforts of the State of Qatar are primarily predicated on ensuring a safe exit for those hostages to reach to the safety in coordination with a variety of relevant entities, whether they are parties to the conflict, Red Cross, or others, who may be parties to this file, he said.

There is a great optimism for what has been done until this moment, as the State of Qatar was heretofore able to contribute to releasing some hostages and there is a hope for continuing these efforts, especially within the framework of the talk about the humanitarian situation in Gaza Strip, but it is not possible to talk about details in light of the complexities that mount day after day, Al Ansari added.

Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs underscored the State of Qatar's unwavering position in condemning all forms of targeting the civilians by all parties, and rejecting the double standards, pointing out that the positions declared by the State of Qatar are primarily associated with its foreign policy, and not less than that. 

Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Majed bin Mohammed Al Ansari pointed out that the Cairo Peace Summit has offered an opportunity for consultation on a variety of issues associated with this crisis, outlining that since the start of the crisis, the Qatari efforts have been predicated on de-escalation that culminate in ceasefire, release of all hostages, open humanitarian corridors and ensure the confrontation does not widen beyond its current extent.

He indicated that the release of hostages -that has hitherto been accomplished- proved that there is a possibility for the success of the mediation efforts being undertaken by the State of Qatar and other regional and international parties, however, he said, the scene is becoming more complex on the ground, as the persistent confrontation claims further losses of life and civilian objects in Gaza Strip.

The international and Arab communities are required to act for ceasefire, halt this collective punishment, open humanitarian corridors, and help the people of Gaza retrieve the bodies from under the rubbles, Dr. Al Ansari added.

Dr. Al Ansari underscored the State of Qatar's endeavors through the talks being held with partners in the region regarding what is happening today in Gaza Strip, to stop this crisis and prevent escalation, especially that it poses a threat to the region and the entire world.
He pointed out that there is a permanent coordination with partners in the United States of America and various western nations to ensure that positions are unified, outlining that in reality, discrepancy is not on the core principles represented in de-escalation, freeing hostages, and protecting civilians.

The existing challenge is not tentative, but there are attempts from parties to compromise the mediation efforts, launch accusations against mediators and various parties, and complicate the situation through the leaks that are issued, he added.

Official Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that the discussions the State of Qatar is holding with the United States of America, the European Union and various Arab states are positively ongoing within the framework of ensuring a general orientation towards de-escalation.

He outlined that the narrative being heard today is different from the one that was being circulated at the beginning of the crisis, expressing his optimism considering the efforts of the United Nations Secretary-General for de-escalation, halting the fighting, and targeting the civilians.

Dr. Al Ansari pointed out that the Qatari efforts, along with the endeavors of various partners worldwide will lead to positive results and there will never be a green light for a party that directly targets the civilians.

Any Israeli ground operation in the strip will exacerbate the situation, Dr. Al Ansari noted, adding that ground attack on Gaza will aggravate the situation, calling on all parties to halt escalation for the protection of civilians.

He underscored the significance of reaching a solution through releasing the hostages, accomplishing ceasefire and granting safety to every single person living there.

He asserted that nations of the region agree on the importance of halting the war for the peace and stability to prevail, saying that this what the State of Qatar is working to achieve, halt the war, return to the two-state solution, and establish the State of Palestine on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. He affirmed that this is an imperative matter for the peoples of the region, their progress and prosperity in all fields.

Dr. Al Ansari called on the international community to uphold its responsibility towards what is happening in Gaza and to engage humanely with all parties, not one party only.