Qatar Affirms Political Solution Path in Syria Has Reached Near Dead End

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Geneva - Media & Communication Dept.- March 21

The State of Qatar stressed that the chosen path to reach a political solution in Syria has almost reached a deadlock due to the lack of seriousness of the Syrian regime and its insistence on using the security and military solution based on arbitrary detention, enforced disappearance, killing, torture, destruction, forced displacement, siege, the use of internationally banned chemical weapons, and the deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian objects, and committing the most heinous crimes and gross violations of human rights.
This came in the statement of the State of Qatar delivered by HE Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the UN Office in Geneva Dr. Hind Abdulrahman Al Muftah during the interactive dialogue with the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic on Tuesday, within the framework of the 52nd session of the Human Rights Council.
Her Excellency agreed with what was stated in the report regarding the danger of the absence of a credible political process, which will fuel conflict and increase instability.
Her Excellency pointed out the harsh situations that Syrian people had to face while providing relief for the affected people during the earthquake that hit the country recently and the delay that occurred in the arrival of the humanitarian and relief assistance to the most affected people.
She also referred to the Syrian regime's attempts to use the humanitarian disaster to gain more time and achieve political gains, which is considered a stark reminder that the current situation and half-solutions must not continue, and that the actors and the international community should take further measures to ensure the protection of the Syrian people, alleviate their suffering, ensure that all people responsible of crimes and violations against Syrian people will be held accountable, and reach a peaceful settlement based on the full implementation of the Security Council Resolution 2,254, in a way that achieves the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people and preserves the unity, sovereignty, and independence of Syria.