Secretary-General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Qatar is Key Partner to Meet Needs, Priorities of Least Developed Countries

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Doha – Media & Communication Dept. - March 02

HE Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Ahmed bin Hassan Al Hammadi said that the State of Qatar has become a title for international cooperation and multilateral action, and proved its role as a key partner in efforts to respond to the needs and priorities of least developed countries, and it continues to play a distinguished role in various fields that serve these countries.
In his speech Thursday on the occasion of the event of raising the United Nations flag at the Qatar National Convention Centre, in preparation for the launch of the work of the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, His Excellency said: We welcome you to the city of Doha, and we are honored by your presence with us in the flag raising official ceremony which is very much welcomed and appreciated.
His Excellency pointed out that the State of Qatar is proud to host the conference, which will officially begin next Sunday, indicating that the conference constitutes an important historical event that is held only once every ten years, and the unique opportunity it provides to give priority and special attention to one of the most vulnerable groups in the world, which is the least developed country.
His Excellency noted the importance of holding this conference in the city of Doha, especially after the restrictions imposed by the global health crisis of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) during the past two years, during which many international activities and conferences were curtailed. His Excellency emphasized that personal participation would better enable the consolidation of the important discussions of the conference and further progress.
His Excellency noted that the State of Qatar's hosting of this important international conference comes at a time when concerted efforts and solidarity to support the least developed countries are more important than ever, given the growing challenges and special needs that are unique to these countries.
HE Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed that the State of Qatar is pleased with the distinguished strategic partnership with the United Nations, which goes back many years ago and continues to the recent time.
His Excellency added that, in line with this approach, the State of Qatar has been keen to host important United Nations conferences, which have achieved the desired goals, including, but not limited to, the Second South Summit in 2005, the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus in 2008, the Alliance of Civilizations Forum in 2011, 13th Session of the UN Conference on Trade and Development in 2012, 18th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 18) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2012, and it is a matter of our happiness to meet again in this international event in the city of Doha, which has become a title for international cooperation and multilateral action.
His Excellency continued, saying that the State of Qatar has proven its role as a major partner in efforts to respond to the needs and priorities of the least developed countries, and continues to play a distinguished role in various fields that serve those countries.
While we welcome you all to the city of Doha, wishing you a pleasant stay, we look forward to the conference's work being a success, and that it will provide an exceptional opportunity that contributes to responding to the challenges facing the least developed countries, and put in place targeted measures for recovery and building the capacities of these countries His Excellency indicated.
In the same context, the United Nations representatives of least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States expressed their confidence in the success of this conference; Given the effort and time invested, affirming, during their speeches at the activities of raising the United Nations flag alongside the flag of the State of Qatar, that they look forward to working together with the host country and others over the next week to make this conference an unforgettable event, and to fulfill the ambitions and aspirations of the least developed countries and their people.