Qatar Participates in a Summit-Level Meeting of Non-Aligned Movement Contact Group in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

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Baku – Media & Communication Dept. - March 02

The State of Qatar participated in a Summit-level Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Contact Group in response to COVID-19, which was held today in the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku.
The State of Qatar was represented at the meeting by HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi.
In the statement of the State of Qatar during the meeting, HE the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs expressed Qatar's sincere appreciation to the Republic of Azerbaijan for the kind invitation to participate in the meeting.
His Excellency said the State of Qatar appreciates the efforts and the pioneering role of the Republic of Azerbaijan in chairing the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, and giving attention to strengthening the movement's role in addressing the global health crisis represented by the Coronavirus pandemic, which still occupies an interest on the global agenda.
His Excellency said that the meeting today is taking place at a time when the Coronavirus pandemic is still placing great burdens on the ability of many countries to respond and recover from the multifaceted negative impacts of the pandemic, pointing out that these challenges have emphasized the depth of interdependence and integration between countries.
His Excellency explained that the efforts of the State of Qatar were not limited to the national level based on its well-known policy of cooperation and partnership with the international community, and said that the State of Qatar did not hesitate to do what was dictated by its humanitarian duty, and it played a distinguished humanitarian role to support countries in confronting the pandemic, especially the countries of the Non-Aligned Movement. Since the beginning of the crisis, it has provided urgent medical aid to more than 80 countries around the world to help them deal with the pandemic.
His Excellency pointed out the keenness of the State of Qatar to make tireless efforts to mitigate the impact of the pandemic, especially on the most vulnerable peoples and societies, and said that the Qatar Fund for Development has continued to expand its response and provided more than USD 140 million for the benefit of multilateral health care institutions and programs such as COVAX, adding that in 2021, the Fund contributed more than USD 551 million to development projects and humanitarian aid in cooperation with its strategic partners.
His Excellency noted that this meeting almost coincides with the Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries, which the State of Qatar will be honored to host in Doha from 5-9 March 2023.
His Excellency said that the Doha Program of Action for the Least Developed Countries paid special attention to the effects of the pandemic on the least developed countries, most of which are members of the Non-Aligned Movement. The Doha Program constitutes a transformational roadmap for bringing about the desired change and building resilient societies, especially in the framework of the important and ambitious measures, initiatives and commitments it entails, and it will be the first work program to address the challenges associated with the repercussions of the Coronavirus on the least developed countries.
His Excellency affirmed the State of Qatar's commitment to preparing and providing all requirements for the success of holding this conference, so that it would be a landmark and transformative event to support the aspirations of the least developed countries.
His Excellency renewed his thanks to the Republic of Azerbaijan for the initiative to hold this important meeting, and said: "We salute the political will expressed by participants today, which highlights the importance of international cooperation to combat the pandemic, and stresses the need more than ever to strengthen solidarity and multilateral action as the best way forward to face challenges, rebuild and recover.
His Excellency stressed the keenness of the State of Qatar to continue providing initiatives and contributions that contribute to alleviating the burdens of crises and common challenges.
HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs added that the State of Qatar will remain fully committed to playing a valuable role in this important and vital global endeavor, and Qatar looks forward to fruitful discussions and that the work of this meeting will be crowned with success and the achievement of the desired goals.