Qatar Embassy Delivers Medical Aid, Equipment to El Salvador

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San Salvador - Information Office - October 07

The Embassy of the State of Qatar to the Republic of El Salvador handed over the first batch of medical aid, equipment and supplies provided by Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) to El Salvador to support it facing the global health emergency and confronting the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

HE Minister of Health of the Republic of El Salvador Dr. Francisco Alabi and Acting Charge d'Affaires of the Embassy of the State of Qatar to the Republic of El Salvador Tariq Othman Al Othman attended the handing over of the aid.

HE Dr. Francisco Alabi expressed thanks and appreciation to the State of Qatar for its continuous support to El Salvador in all fields and said that the medical assistance provided by the State of Qatar will increase the capabilities of the health system in his country and improve the level of medical services provided to citizens.

He also affirmed that this assistance came in the best time to combat the emerging COVID-19.

For his part, Tariq Othman Al Othman said that this new aid comes within a series of assistance provided by the State of Qatar to the Government of El Salvador during the coronavirus pandemic, affirming the embassy's keenness to make efforts to enhance and develop bilateral relations and joint cooperation.