Statement by The Ministerial Committee Assigned by the Joint Arab Islamic Extraordinary Summit on Gaza

Doha - 20 March 2025
The Ministerial Committee assigned by the Joint Arab-Islamic Extraordinary Summit on Gaza, expresses its condemnation and denunciation of the raids launched by the Israeli occupation forces on the Gaza Strip, and their direct bombardment of areas populated by unarmed civilians, resulting in the deaths and injuries of hundreds of Palestinians.
These raids constitute a clear violation of the ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip and a violation of UN resolutions, international charters, treaties, agreements, and international humanitarian law, which exacerbates the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip, and poses a serious threat to the security and stability of the region, and an escalation that increases the threat of a wider conflict in the region, undermining the efforts to deescalate tensions and achieve stability in the region.
The Ministerial Committee reiterates its demands to the international community to assume its moral and legal responsibilities and to immediately intervene to put pressure on Israel (the occupying power) to immediately cease its aggression and violations, comply with UN resolutions, international law and international humanitarian law, protect Palestinian civilians from Israel's unjust war machine, obligating Israeli authorities to immediately and fully restore Gaza's electricity supply, and open all crossings to ensure a continuous and expanded flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza, which is suffering from an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.
In this regard, the Ministerial Committee affirms the urgent necessity of a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza, end the Israeli escalation, resume dialogue, and ceasefire negotiations for the implementation of all the stages of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza, ultimately ending the war on Gaza and preventing a return to a renewed cycle of violence.
The Ministerial Committee reiterates its steadfast position on the importance of achieving a just and sustainable peace for the Palestinian cause within the framework of the two-state solution and the Arab Peace Initiative in accordance with UN resolutions, international law and agreed parameters, and ensuring the protection of the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, including the establishment of their independent state on the 1967 lines and the embodiment of the Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.