Qatar Welcomes the Statements from DRC and Rwanda on De-escalation of Situations in Eastern Congo

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Doha - 24 March 2025

The State of Qatar welcomes the statements issued by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of Rwanda on their commitment for de-escalation and reducing tensions in the eastern region of Congo, in regards of the M23 statement on their withdrawal from the Walikale area. Qatar views this as a significant positive step towards achieving stability and peace in the region.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses the State of Qatar's full appreciation to both DRC and Rwanda for their commitment to dialogue aimed at calming the situation in Eastern Congo, and commends their positive engagement and efforts to resolve the crisis through peaceful initiatives. The Ministry also expresses its hope for the continuation of this constructive approach and positive spirit to ensure the protection of civilians as well as to achieve security and development.

The Ministry reiterates Qatar's support of the Nairobi and Luanda process which have been merged in the EAC-SADC framework, and it’s firm position calling for the resolution of conflicts through dialogue and peaceful means, while respecting the principles of international law, thus promoting stability and reinforcing international peace and security.