Opening Remarks by H.E. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs at the 3rd Session of the Qatar-US Strategic Dialogue

Good morning.

Dear friends Secretary of State Pompeo, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin, and Secretary of Commerce Ross,

Your Excellencies, members of the two participating delegations

I am delighted to express, on behalf of myself and the Qatari delegation, our deepest gratitude for your warm welcome.

I would further like to thank the two delegations for their great efforts in preparing for this meeting during an unprecedented time when we all battle the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our meeting today represents another significant milestone in a historically deep and continuous relationship between Qatar and the United States of America.

Holding this 3rd Strategic Dialogues is a demonstration of the flourishing relations between our two countries enabled by the mutual commitment between His Highness the Amir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani and President Donald Trump that emphasizes broad areas of cooperation as well as the deep friendship between our two countries.

In this third Strategic Dialogue we are not only strengthening existing economic, military and security cooperation, but also expanding to include other equally important areas of education, culture and development. The Signing of MoUs on the Qatar- US Year of Culture 2021, the MoU with USAID, and Qatar’s supporting the Fulbright Scholarship, beyond the major steps forward in our longstanding commercial and military partnership, show the range and depth of our ties, and underscore our continued constructive engagement despite the unique regional challenges our country has been successfully managing over the last 3 years.

Together with our support to several US states and cities in their efforts to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, the broad range of cooperation demonstrated here at the Strategic Dialogue makes clear Qatar’s strong affinity for the American people. Qatar views the United States not simply as a partner, but as an ally and a friend.

To be sure, our commercial partnership remains robust, and is indeed strong than ever. Qatar has invested billions of dollars in the US economy, and the US has been an integral investor in Qatar’s development. Together, this investment translates to tens of thousands of jobs and life-changing opportunities for our people. We look forward to expanding upon these ties, including through upcoming trade and investment promotion events. These events will include a Road Show in 2021 involving multiple delegations to several US cities to explore partnerships in technology, investment, energy, and other areas.

I also look forward to our discussions on issues of mutual interest, and the reaffirmation of our commitments to deepening our partnership in areas that include political and regional interests.

We will also discuss a range of defense and security issues, including shared threats, opportunities for regional cooperation, and mechanisms for defeating the malign actors arrayed against us.

Qatar and the United States are in agreement that such threats are among the greatest challenges we face today in the Middle East to our shared vision of peace, stability and prosperity for all.

As foremost partners in global coalitions against terrorism and violent extremism, both our countries will continue to strengthen coordination and intensify cooperation on the full range of our shared interests, based on international law and security standards.

Our progress and significant efforts in respecting mutual assurances and taking action to neutralize the menace of terrorism is making the world a safer place.

Nowhere is this more clear than in the remarkable progress achieved toward peace in Afghanistan. The recent commencement of talks toward reconciliation, which we in Qatar are deeply pleased to host, represents a truly historic accomplishment. Secretary Pompeo, Qatar commends your leadership on this generational challenge.

The steps forward in Afghanistan also reflect America’s continued efforts toward achieving peace in the Middle East as a whole. Qatar praises the US’s steadfast commitment to peace in the region, and we are pleased to continue our close cooperation toward this important goal.

The momentous development in Afghanistan is the latest example of the close interaction between our two countries on the political level. We are confronting issues that matter not only to our two nations, but also to the wider stability of the Middle East and neighboring regions. Despite regional challenges, including the ongoing Blockade against us, our cooperation has continuously strengthened since we held the first Qatar- US Strategic Dialogue in January 2018, during the peak of false allegations, smear campaigns and illegal blockade by neighboring countries.

I would like to thank the U.S. for supporting Kuwaiti mediation to resolve the Blockade on the basis of respect for the sovereignty and independence of the State of Qatar. Qatar foreign policy continues to represent peace, stability and prosperity—elements that reflect our national values.

Due to these values, Qatar not only stands firm in the face of the blockade but indeed stronger, having developed its relations with the global community to unprecedented levels.

Dear Secretaries ,

Our mutual goal is to deepen the strategic bonds between our two countries and to continue to go forward together in increased cooperation in fields that are of the highest mutual and practical benefit.

In closing, I would like to reiterate my profound appreciation to you, for all of your efforts to ensure that this round of the Strategic Dialogue, just as previous ones, is successful.

We look forward to hosting the fourth round next year in Doha.

Thank you.