Qatar Renews Commitment to Supporting Palestinian, Syrian Peoples

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Cairo / Information Office / September 11

The State of Qatar reiterated its rejection of all steps aimed at obstructing and weakening the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), reaffirming its commitment to stand by the Palestinian people and to provide for their basic needs. The State of Qatar also stressed its support for the Syrian people, demanding that the international community shoulder its responsibilities to protect civilians and stop the crimes of the Syrian regime.

This came in a speech delivered by HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi, at the Ministerial Meeting of the 150th ordinary session of the Arab League Council.

HE Al Muraikhi stressed that this session of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level comes at a time when the region is facing serious challenges that require everyone to redouble their efforts to tackle them and to find solutions to achieve the aspirations of the Arab peoples in security, stability and sustainable development.

He added that the continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Arab territories is the biggest challenge facing the Arab nation, stressing that the Palestinian Cause, which witnessed serious developments during this year without a just solution, is still the central issue of the Arab Nation.

"The State of Qatar supports all serious endeavors and initiatives for peace and stresses that all efforts must be in line with the resolutions of international legitimacy and the Arab peace initiative, in accordance with the two-state solution agreed upon by the international community, to ensure the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, and to compel Israel to cease its violations of international law and the use of military force against innocent civilians, lift the unjust siege on the Gaza Strip and stop the settlement policy," said the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs.

He Further reiterated Qatar's rejection of any decisions or measures aimed at depriving the city of Jerusalem of its legal, historical and religious status, as well as rejecting the so-called "nation-state law" of Israel, which deepens racism and constitutes a flagrant violation of international law.

HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi stressed the State of Qatar's rejection and condemnation of all steps aimed at obstructing and weakening the UNRWA, as well as its call on the international community to shoulder its legal and moral responsibility to provide the necessary resources for the Agency to continue its humanitarian work.

Underlining the commitment of the State of Qatar to stand by the Palestinian people and to work towards the provision of basic needs, HE Al Muraikhi pointed to the State of Qatar's donation of USD 50 million, during the extraordinary ministerial meeting of the Agency in Rome, to meet the deficit faced by UNRWA to finance its humanitarian projects.

He also reiterated Qatar's full support for the Palestinian people in all their efforts to claim all their legitimate rights, to complete the steps towards complete unity and to prioritize the Palestinian national interest.

HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi affirmed that the international community is still unable to find a solution to the Syrian crisis and protect the Syrian people, and to stop the killing and forced displacement beyond any perception by the Syrian regime, posing a moral challenge to humankind and human conscience.

During his speech at the 150th meeting of the Ministerial Council of the League of Arab States, HE the Minister said: "The serious humanitarian consequences of the Syrian crisis on the region and the international security and stability require the international community, especially the Security Council and the active countries to shoulder their responsibilities to protect civilians and to put an end to the crimes of the Syrian regime which uses internationally prohibited weapons as well as to bring the perpetrators of these crimes to international justice and intensify efforts to reach a political solution based on the Geneva Declaration 1 and the relevant Security Council resolutions.

He stressed that the State of Qatar had spared no effort in carrying out its humanitarian duties by providing all support and assistance to the brotherly Syrian people, referring to the pledge made by the State of Qatar at the Second Brussels Conference on supporting Syria with an amount of $ 100 million for 2018, which is in addition to the previous large contributions of the State of Qatar to support the brotherly Syrian people since the beginning of the crisis.

On the Libyan issue, HE the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs reiterated the support of the State of Qatar for the National Reconciliation Government and its efforts in rebuilding state institutions, combating terrorism and calling on all Libyan parties to adhere to dialogue, stop bloodshed and implement the outcomes of the Skhirat Agreement, as well as to achieve a political settlement and comprehensive national reconciliation that preserves the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Libya. HE the Minister reiterated support of the State of Qatar for the efforts of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Libya to restore stability and achieve the aspirations of the Libyan people.

On the Yemeni issue, HE the Minister expressed the State of Qatar's emphasis on the importance of preserving the unity and independence of Yemen and its territorial integrity, and calling on all parties in Yemen to adopt a political solution, national dialogue and reconciliation to put an end to the suffering of the Yemeni people, as well as the call on the international community to exert all efforts to ensure the protection of children, women and civilians and to address the serious humanitarian situation in Yemen and to deliver all humanitarian assistance to all regions of Yemen.

On the developments of the situation in Iraq, HE the Minister expressed the hope of the State of Qatar that Iraqi government would continue efforts to restore stability, achieve reconciliation and overcome the challenges facing the Iraqi people in restoring full security and stability. HE the Minister stressed Qatar's keenness to support the reconstruction and development efforts in Iraq, in conjunction with all components of Iraqi society, and the restoration of brotherly Iraq for its role and position in the regional and international spheres.

He also affirmed the support of the State of Qatar for the steps of restoring stability and security and the national reconciliation process for the brethren in the Somali Federal Republic.

On the other hand, HE the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs stressed that "the phenomenon of terrorism in our contemporary world and our Arab region in particular and its serious challenge to security, stability and development requires the international community to intensify collective effort and take all necessary measures to confront it and eradicating its roots and addressing its real political, social, economic and religious causes. "

He added that the State of Qatar spares no effort to combat terrorism at all levels, local, regional and international, through the development of legislative and institutional systems as well as the strict and effective implementation of international obligations related to the fight against terrorism and its financing and active participation in all relevant international and regional efforts.

Concluding, HE the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan bin Saad Al-Muraikhi stressed that it is impossible to confront terrorist organizations and eradicate terrorism unless we unite our efforts, intensify cooperation and coordination between our countries, address all forms of extremism , and fortify our societies, especially youth, with a focus on addressing the economic, social and developmental conditions and providing decent living conditions to our peoples.

HE expressed hopes that this session would lead to results and decisions that would meet the legitimate aspirations of our peoples and push forward joint Arab action to wider horizons in all fields.