Arab League Council Reaffirms Commitment to Libya's Unity and Sovereignty

Cairo – Information Office – 12 September

The Arab League Council at the level of Foreign Minister reiterated Tuesday its commitment to the unity and sovereignty of the Libyan territory, and to reject foreign intervention of any kind, unless it was at the request of and in coordination with the Presidency Council of the Libyan Government of National Accord.

In a resolution issued at the end of the 148th session of the Council, the Foreign Ministers called for a comprehensive political solution to the Libyan crisis, stressing its support for the full implementation of the Libyan political agreement, signed in Skhirat in the Kingdom of Morocco in December 2015, and its support for the political dialogue under the auspices of the UN Special Representative and the Special Representative of the Arab League Secretary-General.

The Ministers called for canceling the freeze on the Libyan funds in foreign banks and all Libyan assets to allocate these resources to provide the needs of the Libyan people, in accordance with the time deemed appropriate by the Presidency Council in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions.

The ministers stressed the need to provide the necessary political and material support to the Presidency Council of the Libyan Government of National Accord as the sole legitimate government in Libya, to refrain from support and communication with parallel institutions, and to re-support and rehabilitate the national civil and military institutions, which operates under the leadership of the Presidency Council.

They expressed deep concerns about the huge security challenges facing the war-ravaged country, especially from terrorist groups.

The State of Qatar took part in the meetings of the 148th session of the Arab League Council with a delegation led by HE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi.