Qatar Denounces Statement Made by Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain, and UAE

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Doha / Information Office / June 09

An official source at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Friday the following:

The State of Qatar denounces a statement made by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the United Arab Emirates on June 8 which involved many false allegations directed at the State of Qatar made for political gains and to tarnish the public opinion's image of the State of Qatar. The latest statement confirms the insistence of the aforementioned countries in continuing their policy of making false accusations and promoting lies against the State of Qatar without taking the facts, legal considerations, brotherly ties, or the joint destiny of the region into account. This comes at a time when the region is facing many challenges that all will pay a price for if they pursue a method of hostility and merging of fantasy with reality in order to create a sense of confusion and to avoid relying on common sense in resolving differences.

In light of the severity of the allegations and in order to clarify the facts for the public opinion, we would like to state the following:

International lists of designated terrorist groups are prepared by the UN Security Council in accordance to clear parameters that rely on Security Council resolutions related to counter-terrorism. These lists are updated by a designated committee that includes specialists from UN-member countries, all of which were not consulted in preparing in the so called terrorist list mentioned in the statement and linked to the State of Qatar. As if the four countries have proclaimed themselves a substitute for international legitimacy, and held Qatar to a field court.

The list mentioned in the statement included the names of Qatari charities that is widely-respected internationally and an illustrious record in the humanitarian field. They enjoy a consultative status at the UN based on a recommendation made by Non-Governmental Organizations Committee of the UN Economic and Social Council, such as Qatar Charity. The committee's member countries are from all geographic groups and look into the records of the charities and their funding. The committee follows strict mechanisms and standards that are not subject for appeal. According to those standards, the committee awarded Qatar charity the consultative status. The charity also has offices in many countries around the world, including the United Kingdom. It is also a partner to many UN organizations, and so accusing it of terrorism is not merely an insult to charitable humanitarian work but is also a violation of international norms and standards.

The list also included the names of individuals and entities from other countries that have no ties to the State of Qatar, but were listed for reasons related to the countries that released the statements. The list also included the names of journalist whose work is to write and express their opinions, which reveals that the goal of that list was to terrorize and censor free speech adopted by international agreements.

The list did include names that were listed by the Security Council as terrorists or members of terrorist organizations. The Security Council's list include detailed information and files on all individuals mentioned on its list. Referring to those files, there was no connection between those names on the Security Council's list and the State of Qatar. Needless to say, they do not reside in Qatar either which falsifies all the claims in the statement of the aforementioned countries.

As for the Qatari individuals mentioned in the list of the Security Council and were mentioned in the statement, the State of Qatar was keen on implementing all Security Council resolutions, with the country's designated authorities cooperating and implementing all the measures required by the Security Council with those individuals, in accordance to international procedures.

The State of Qatar continues to cooperate with friendly nations as part of legal and security cooperation established between the designated authorities of Qatar on one side, and those countries on the other. The State of Qatar has expelled all individuals whose countries provided information and documented legal proof that shows their involvement in prohibited activities.

The State of Qatar warns of the results of adopting a policy based on inciting emotions and creating an environment ripe for conflicts and enmity between the peoples of the region by making false accusations without proof to serve political goals clear to everyone. The State of Qatar as a result considers the statement made by the aforementioned countries void and strongly condemns all attempts to tarnish the country's image by linking it in any way or form with terrorism. The State of Qatar will continue its policy of exercising restraint, maintaining good neighborliness, and avoiding interference in internal affairs and instead looking to enhance historical relations with its GCC nations and the Arab world. It will also continue to defend its right of adopting an independent foreign policy that supports security and stability in the region and the world.