HE Foreign Minister Chairs GCC Meeting on Yemen

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Riyadh/Information Office/ 14 February 2015/ HE Foreign Minister Dr. Khalid bin Mohammed Al Attiyah chaired Saturday GCC Ministerial Council's extraordinary meeting held in Riyadh to discuss developments in Yemen. HE the Foreign Minister said that Yemen are now facing its gravest challenges since its 2011 revolution. His Excellency added that the developments of recent weeks puts more responsibility on GCC countries to move swiftly and prevent Yemen from falling into chaos. HE the Foreign Minister stressed that all parties involved in Yemen must understand that instability in Yemen will breed more violence, and ultimately threaten the unity of the country. Furthermore, His Excellency said that all political forces in Yemen provide the necessary support to the legitimate Yemeni authorities, in order to achieve the aspirations of the Yemeni people. His Excellency then called on the international community and the UN Security Council in particular to take all necessary actions to carry out the will of the people based on the GCC initiative. At the outset of the speech, HE the Foreign Minister conveyed his condolences to the death of Custodian of the Two Holly Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud. HE Al Attiyah then expressed his hope that the meeting yields an outcome that boosts stability and security in the region.