Qatar Condemns Bombing in Libya

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Doha /Information Office / 27 January 2015/ The State of Qatar has strongly condemned and denounced the criminal explosion outside the Corinthia hotel in Tripoli, Libya, that killed a number of people after gunmen shot randomly and stormed the hotel which houses a number of diplomatic missions. In a statement released on Tuesday, the Foreign Ministry condemned the ongoing acts of violence aimed at destabilizing the security in the country and intimidating civilians in Libya as well as undermining the international efforts to support the path of a peaceful solution to the Libyan crisis. The Ministry termed the attacks on premises of diplomatic missions as a violation of international laws and norms and an infringement of diplomatic immunity. Its statement called for renouncing violence and all criminal acts which are contrary to all moral principles and human values, stressing the importance of the dialogue in reaching a national consensus necessary for a political solution that preserves Libya's sovereignty and territorial integrity.